Friday, December 11, 2009

6 weeks ago...

Six weeks ago I weighed 245... this week 233... I have lost 12 lbs in 6 weeks.... I haven't been able to loose weight like that in forever... Growing up and into my teens I weighed maybe 125lbs on a good day... After high school and because I was dumb I let the weight pack on... 13 years later I am going to get myself back into the shape I once was... I will be happy to get my happy fat ass down to about 160lbs... I don't need to be the stick figure who looked like she was starving herself to death but I want to loose the weight so I can start feeling better about myself again... My eating habits are so much better... no more snacking for me after a certain time of night... I eat breakfast every day... HEALTHY snacks during the work hours... (No more crap going into this body)... I eat a nice dinner or if we eat out I stick to something that is good for me... ie salads, chicken, veggies... I'm so proud of myself for doing this because I know its never to late to help yourself...

I go to the gym about every other day and spend an 45-60 minutes working my fat butt out... Its enjoyable to kick start my day by doing 30 minutes on the elipitcal (i know I spelled it wrong) and 15-20 on the treadmill... I also am going to start "shredding" with Jillian Micheals... I watched the video a little bit and I was like damn she does work you out hard in this video... With Shredding and my workout in the mornings I will start to see some results... hell I can tell something is going well when I don't get winded walking up and down the stairs at work...

I'm excited for myself and for the future...

Later Days

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