Thursday, March 26, 2009

i'm going to do it!

Ok... I need to start writing and actually posting here...

but what if I don't have anything to write about well shit I could make things up but that isn't fair to me because well I can't make shit up... so what should I do?

I could write some stories about my family because they are a funny group of people...

I suck at writing to be honest... I have all these ideas in my head but to write them down its impossible... I read so many people's blogs and they rock... the words flow so easily... I wish I had that... but I can sit at the computer for 15 minutes or so and not think of a damn thing... but then late at night when I'm trying to fall asleep all the ideas just start to flow and then I'm thinking about them and then I can't fall asleep...

so I'm at work today... its snowing (I live in colorado) and we are supposed to get anywhere from 8inches to a foot of snow... wonderful... good thing I have my 4 wheel drive vehicle... you kinda need one living here in the wonderful state of colorado... without one your pretty much screwed... unless you are smart and you get actual snow tires then you are fine... what is even funnier is when people who have never driven in the snow get all stupid and find themselves in a ditch... MORONS!!!!!!

so yeah... I'm stuck at work today while my son and husband are sitting at home nice and warm with some hot chocalate... mmmm hot chocalate sounds good... I think I have some here in the office...

later days all

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