Friday, November 28, 2008

Friends are like Family

working in a small office with only 10 people brings you pretty close to one another don't you agree... The people you work with become family... You argue like family, laugh with each other like family and when something horrible happens to one of them you stand by them and help them along... I received some of the greatest news last night about one of my co-workers only to hear some of the worst news this morning about the great news.. I'm sad, angry and I honestly want to know why... I have been catching myself thinking about what happened and start to break out in tears...I'm hoping with writing this I can settle down a bit and go to sleep... Out of the privacy of my co-worker I'm not going to blog about what happened but I just needed to vent a bit so that its not bottled up in my head preventing me from sleep...Like I said I'm sad... I'm angry... Why do bad things happen to good people? Seriously why... I just want to know why... So if someone could tell me why I would appreciate it...

later days

PS... I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving... Give thanks to the ones you love and hold them close to you....

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